
College Goal Sunday

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Updated: Sunday, 12 Feb 2012, 10:13 PM EST
Published : Sunday, 12 Feb 2012, 10:13 PM EST
Fort Wayne, Ind. (WANE) – The government gives out billions of dollars for students to go to college. That even includes student loans.
Dian Suarez and his mother came to College Goal Sunday. This program is to help families fill out their Free Application for Federal Student Aid form, or FAFSA form online. Suarez is a freshman at I.P.F.W. He found out he didn’t have to take out any loans.
“I got lucky and I was able to get enough to pay for what I needed,” he said.
Many students need and rely on student loans to pay for their education. Suarez said if he’s faced with taking out a loan, he hopes to have a job waiting on him before he graduates.
“I’ll have to make sure I have a job and be able to pay it back eventually,” Suarez said.
Martin Murphy with I.P.F.W. said in this economy, finding a job isn’t so easy, which makes it harder on graduates to pay back loans.
“They’re graduating here out of college and they’re looking six to 12 months looking for a job and see, those students loans start kicking in,” Murphy said.
That’s why he stresses students should use their loans responsibly, such as on tuition and room and board, instead on a new car or new furniture for an apartment.
Murphy said it usually takes graduates between 10 to 15 years to completely pay back their loans, that’s if there’s no stop in payment. Usually, if you can’t find a job within the six month grace period or don’t make enough money to pay back your student loans, for federal loans, you can postpone payment. Sometimes, without penalty.
The deadline for completing the FAFSA form is March 10th. The deadline to make any changes to your FAFSA is May 15th.

